This feels a bit like old news. But who says information has a sell-by-date?
In November Christoph Bieber, Martin Eifert, Thomas Groß and Jörn Lamla published the book “Soziale Netze in der digitalen Welt” to which I contributed a chapter on the political uses of Twitter.
A preprint of the chapter can be found here.
Also the first reviews are in:
Jochen Zenthöfer for Wer archiviert eigentlich Twitter?
Christian Jung at Homo Politicus: Nachindustrielle Politik
[Update: 2010/01/11]
Stefan Anderssohn at socialnet: Rezension vom 07.01.2010 zu: Christoph Bieber, Martin Eifert, Thomas Groß u.a. (Hrsg.): Soziale Netze in der digitalen Welt. Campus Verlag (Frankfurt) 2009.
[Update: 2010/03/13]
Online Affairs: Politisches Gezwitscher – Wie und Warum Politiker Twitter Nutzen
My chapter is called “Twitterende Politiker: Zwischem buntem Rauschen und Bürgernähe 2.0”. In that chapter I describe how German politicians use Twitter-Feeds. I also attempt to form preliminary usage-categories. SInce the chapter has been written in April of 2009 some of the examples seem a bit dated. Still it seems the categories hold up quite nicely to the test of time. I’m very much looking forward to early 2010 when Pascal Jürgens and I will quantitavely test these categories on a large data-set. So as always, the best is yet to come.