Conferences 21 Feb 2010 Blast from the past No. 4: Digital channels, the change in community structures and its consequences for social participation This trip to the archives digs up the paper Digital channels, the change in community structures and its consequences for… Andreas Jungherr 2 Comments
Notes 17 Feb 2010 All the Running You Can Do Recently I started reading Vaclav Havel's memoirs To the Castle and Back which he wrote in 2005. In his State… Andreas Jungherr
Notes 12 Feb 2010 Review: The End of the Virtual: Digital Methods by Richard Rogers (2009) Andreas Jungherr 1 Comment
Conferences 07 Feb 2010 Blast from the Past No. 3: The Interplay of Theory and Observation The third trip to the archives leads to the paper The Interplay of Theory and Observation: A Proposition for Structured… Andreas Jungherr
Conferences 06 Feb 2010 Blast from the Past No. 2: Twittering Dissent For a second trip to the back catalogue have a look at Twittering Dissent: Social Web Data Streams as Basis… Andreas Jungherr
Conferences 05 Feb 2010 Blast from the Past No. 1: Modeling Small-Group Interaction on Pervasive Digital Channels The quiet days at the end of any semester are great for side projects. So for this semester I decided… Andreas Jungherr