Publications 25 Mar 2023 New Working Paper: Using ChatGPT and Other Large Language Model (LLM) Applications for Academic Paper Assignments The current popularity of ChatGPT has challenged many societal fields. It is no surprise to find it also challenging university… Andreas Jungherr
Publications 13 Jan 2022 New Book: Digital Transformations of the Public Arena "Digital Transformations of the Public Arena," my new book with Ralph Schroeder is live (and free to read for 3… Andreas Jungherr
Teaching 18 Mar 2016 Syllabus: The Internet in Political Communication (Spring 2016) This spring semester at Mannheim I am teaching an updated version of my course on the internet in the context… Andreas Jungherr
Teaching 18 Sep 2015 Syllabus: Introduction to Research Practices in Political Science The second course, I'll give semester is a general introduction to research practices in political science. I am not all… Andreas Jungherr
News 27 May 2015 CfP: The Empiricist’s Challenge: Asking Meaningful Questions in Political Science in the Age of Big Data How can big data used to answer meaningful questions in political science? Yannis Theocharis and I are organising a conference… Andreas Jungherr
Publications 19 Mar 2014 New Publication: The Logic of Political Coverage on Twitter: Temporal Dynamics and Content Today appeared the early view version of my new article on the dynamics of political comments on Twitter. The article… Andreas Jungherr
Publications 28 Feb 2014 New Publication: Twitter in Politics: A Comprehensive Literature Review The growing use of Twitter during election and issue campaigns by politicians, campaigners and the public alike has led to… Andreas Jungherr
Public Speaking 18 Feb 2014 Workshop zu Twitternutzung im politischen Aktivismus bei der reCampaign 2014 Ich freue mich sehr, dass mich die Organisatoren der diesjährigen reCampaign zu einem Workshop über die Nutzung von Twitter durch… Andreas Jungherr
Conferences 23 Dec 2013 Das Internet im Wahlkampf: Beispiele zu Kampagnenfunktionen und Wirkungsmechanismen aus dem Bundestagswahlkampf 2013 Vor einigen Tagen sprach ich auf der Tagung "Medienkonvergenz im Bundestagswahlkampf 2013" in Mainz zur Rolle des Internets in den… Andreas Jungherr
Public Speaking 18 Oct 2013 Invited talk at Wellesley College, Boston: Twitter data as information source on political communication and political campaigns – Examples from Germany On my upcoming trip to the United States I will give a talk at Wellesley College, Boston on October 25.… Andreas Jungherr