A few weeks ago I gave a written interview to Karina Gómez from the Spanish news agency EFE on the potential uses of Twitter for political activists. Some snippets of this interview now make the rounds through the Spanish speaking web, which is fun to watch:
It started on 27 August with “Redes sociales, escaparate político” by Karina Gómez Pernas in the Mexican publication Vanguardia, moved to Panama on September 5 as “¿Escaparate político?” on the site prensa.com. Then on September 12 the item makes its rounds to Argentina on the website “Democracia.com” and is on the same day published in Spain. Only to appear on September 13 in Ecuador “Redes Sociales, escaparate político” on Pichincha al Día. Finally on September 18 the item appears in Brasil as “1ª Edition – Twitter: ferramenta tem papel importante para as democracias”.
Seems I’m running out of excuses to travel the Spanish speaking world.
[Update: 2010/09/22]
The item appeared also here:
“Redes sociales, escaparate político” at El Sol Online (Argentino)
“Las redes sociales, un escaparate político” at Prodigy MSN (Spain)