Pascal Jürgens and Andreas Jungherr (2009) “Twittering Dissent: Social Web Data Streams as Basis for Agent Based Models of Opinion Dynamics”, in: Martin Welker, Holger Geißler, Lars Kaczmirek, Olaf Wenzel (eds.), 11th General Online Research Conference, GOR 09: Proceedings, Vienna, p. 81.
Due to copyright restrictions I can’t make this paper available on this page. If you are interested you can find the paper in the Proceedings of the 11th General Online Research Conference edited by Martin Welker, Holger Geißler, Lars Kaczmirek and Olaf Wenzel. On his webpage Martin Welker makes a pdf of the proceedings available.
For the gist of the paper have a look at the presentation:
In this paper we build on the work we presented in Andreas Jungherr and Pascal Jürgens (2008) “Modeling Small-Group Interaction on Pervasive Digital Channels: New Influence on Public Opinion”. Poster presented at the International Workshop on Challenges and Visions in the Social Sciences. Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation, ETH Zurich, Switzerland on 18-23 August. In contrast to the earlier work in this paper we focused on the potential agent-based modeling holds for the social sciences in general.
For a higher resolution of the graphs have a look at this pdf.