Teaching 27 Jan 2015 Syllabus: The Internet in Political Communication This semester, I will be giving a course at Mannheim University on the use of the internet in digital tools… Andreas Jungherr 1 Comment
Notes 10 Nov 2012 Technology in US-Campaigns: Readings The US-election has come and gone and suddenly seemingly everyone agrees that "data" is the next big thing in political… Andreas Jungherr
Publications 29 Oct 2012 Gastbeitrag für politik-digital.de: “Die Rückkehr der Freiwilligen: Die steigende Bedeutung von GOTV in amerikanischen Kampagnen” Für politik-digital.de habe ich einen kurzen Gastbeitrag über die Bedeutung des personalisierten GOTV in US-Kampagnen geschrieben: Die Rückkehr der Freiwilligen:… Andreas Jungherr
Teaching 22 Oct 2012 Syllabus: Political Communication Winter Term 2012/3 Another semester, another syllabus. This winter I'll be teaching an introductory course to political communication again. Since the winter semesters… Andreas Jungherr
Notes 03 Sep 2012 GOTV in International Campaigns? Yesterday the blog "Mobilizing Ideas" published "Is GOTV a Universally Applicable Answer for Campaigns to the Challenge of Fragmented Audiences?"… Andreas Jungherr