Publications 07 Jan 2016 Tutorial for Social Scientists on Using Twitter Data in Research For the last seven years or so, Pascal Jürgens and I have tried to tease meaning out of data collected… Andreas Jungherr
Conferences 25 Nov 2015 Workshop: Studying the Use of Twitter in Political Communication During the upcoming 2nd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium 2015 in Cologne, I had the chance to organize a pre-symposium… Andreas Jungherr
Publications 17 Nov 2015 New article: The mediation of politics through Twitter: An analysis of messages posted during the campaign for the German federal election 2013 I am very happy that yesterday a new article written with Harald Schoen, and Pascal Jürgens has appeared as Early… Andreas Jungherr
Teaching 27 Jan 2015 Syllabus: The Internet in Political Communication This semester, I will be giving a course at Mannheim University on the use of the internet in digital tools… Andreas Jungherr 1 Comment
Conferences 26 May 2011 New Gatekeepers at ACM Web Science 2011 in Koblenz At this year's ACM Web Science 2011 conference Pascal Jürgens will present our paper "Small Worlds with a Difference: New… Andreas Jungherr