Notes 31 Dec 2012 Housekeeping 2012 Books published 1 Papers published in peer-reviewed journals 3 Papers in review maelstrom 3 Dissertation chapters written 1/2 Papers presented… Andreas Jungherr
Notes 10 Nov 2012 Technology in US-Campaigns: Readings The US-election has come and gone and suddenly seemingly everyone agrees that "data" is the next big thing in political… Andreas Jungherr
Notes 09 Nov 2012 Organisationskultur als tatsächliche Lektion der Obama-Kampagne für den deutschen Wahlkampf Die US-Wahl ist noch keine Woche vorbei und schon zeichnet sich ab, dass Innovationen der demokratischen Kampagnenführung in ihrer Bedeutung… Andreas Jungherr 2 Comments
Notes 03 Sep 2012 GOTV in International Campaigns? Yesterday the blog "Mobilizing Ideas" published "Is GOTV a Universally Applicable Answer for Campaigns to the Challenge of Fragmented Audiences?"… Andreas Jungherr
Notes 19 Aug 2012 5 Movies by John Huston The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948), because of what gold does to men's souls, a dance and a laugh,… Andreas Jungherr